Engine Monitoring Systems
These systems provide engine protection for a variety of problems including high engine temperature and low oil pressure. These systems are optionally available to protect against low coolant level, high transmission temp, high oil temperature and low oil level. The most popular systems used are the Medallion 9054 pre-wired System and the Murphy WAI-2 temperature-pressures switch gauge system.
Temperature and Pressure Sensors
Fan Clutches
Ross Equipment Inc. diverse offering of fan clutches include On-off, multi-speed, viscous, direct controlled viscous fan clutches as well as direct drive fan hubs. We stock all the required replacement parts and controls including rebuild kits, temperature sensors, air solenoids and seal kits.
Engine Cooling Fan Blade
Ross Equipment Inc. offers a complete selection of fans designs to suit any customer requirement. Our unique method of distribution provide our customers an unparalleled order fill rate as well as access to all major engine fan manufacturers.
Belt Tensioner
We have complete heavy duty line of belt tensioners in stock. Round spring technology maintains constant tension and system dampening for extended belt and component life. These belt tensioners are both longer lasting and less expensive. Ross Equipment Inc. provides a complete OEM cross reference.